華德福大地幼兒園已於107年3月1日正式開學,歡迎有意願的爸爸媽媽們洽詢 04-23580530~






目前位置: Home 中小學籌備會回響 Waldorf Education
作者是 宸羽爸爸   
發表時間: 2013年 03月 13日 ,週三


    Waldorf Education, “what is this”??? That was the first thing that came into my mind when one of the teacher at 豐樂 introduced the kindergarten’s educational system to me and my wife. While going rounds inside the kindergarten premises I noticed something very different from the other kindergarten I have seen in Taichung.

    Everything inside豐樂was attached to nature and I feel at ease and without any pressure while I was walking inside the school premises. Maybe it was the color of the wall, ambiance of the classrooms, manner the teacher speaks or the combination of all. What caught my interest at that time was the spacious grass playground with tunnels, sand dunes and hills which a child can explore and play at. Without any hesitation, me and my wife enrolled our daughter in豐樂, and it turned out to be one of the best decisions we have made.

    More than a year after our daughter started her pre-school at豐樂, we have noticed that she changed and improved a lot. Although my daughter doesn’t master 26 letters of the alphabets, ㄅㄆㄇㄈ and Arithmetic, but she’s very inclined to nature, creative, non-3C dependent, poses good manners, easy to communicate, considerate, independent, healthy & normal lifestyle and actively help with house chores. These are the kind of things which most parents doesn’t see much with their child / children nowadays. I don’t know what will my daughter will become of be in the future, but what’s important as of now is that I see my daughter as a very confident, healthy and happy child. Dear parents, aren’t these what we want for our child / children?





